returns and exchanges
return process
We hope that you are completely satisfied with the products in your order.
The receipt date is the day you took possession of the goods.
The following conditions also apply:
- The item is undamaged and unworn
- The item is in its original, undamaged packaging
- All original labels are still present and attached as received
If all of these conditions are met, we will refund the purchase price you paid.
Returns Instructions
- Step 1
Fill out the enclosed return form and put it in the package. - step 2
Frank the package and hand it in at the nearest delivery service branch.
It is completely sufficient if you frank the letter with €1.00, €1.60 or €2.70.
- step 3
After receipt of the package, inspection and if the conditions mentioned under "Return conditions" are met, you will be refunded the purchase price immediately.
Send your return to the following address:
- return -
Huberstrasse 2
97084 Würzburg
return costs
In general, the shipping costs for returning unwanted items are to be borne by the customer or sender. If one of the following conditions applies, the shipping costs will be borne by DJADEE:
- Item does not match the order
- Incorrect information on DJADEE
- Defective item received
- Incomplete product received
Processing time of a return & refund
As soon as your return has arrived in our returns department, it will usually be processed within 5-10 working days of arrival. The credit in the amount of the value of the goods will be made after receipt of the goods to the payment method originally used for the purchase.
Please understand that the processing of complaints can take a long time.
refund invoice
If the transfer has already been made, the amount for the returned items will be refunded to your bank account after the return has been processed.
Refund PayPal
The refund will be made directly to your PayPal account. In your PayPal account you can specify whether the refunded amount should remain in your PayPal account or go back to your bank account.
Credit card refund
The refund will be booked directly back to your credit card. Please note that in some cases you can only see the refund on the next credit card statement.
Refund Klarna
After booking your return, Klarna will receive information about the return.
Please note that this can take a few days.
There is also the option that you inform Klarna in advance about your return to us. This is possible via the Klarna customer account. If you have any further questions, please contact Klarna directly.
We hope that you are completely satisfied with the products in your order.
However, if a product does not meet your expectations and you want to exchange it for another product or a different size, you have the following option:
Due to our automatic ordering system, we can directly via our online shop returns process unfortunately no exchange.
This also applies to an exchange for a different size.
Therefore, please send the relevant product back to us and order the desired product again.